Podiumsdiskussion "Iran after the elections"
Hier finden Sie die Aufnahme der STOP THE BOMB Podiumsdiskussion "Iran after the elections - Prospects for the nuclear standoff and for the freedom movement" vom 26. Juni 2013.
Am Podium:
- Veronika Kuchynova Smigolova (Ambassador to the IAEA, Czech Republic)
- Menashe Amir (former head of the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Persian language division)
- Sogol Ayrom (Member of the National Council of Iran for Free Elections)
- Simone Dinah Hartmann (STOP THE BOMB)
Moderation: Helmar Dumbs (Die Presse)
- Veronika Kuchynova Smigolova (Ambassador to the IAEA, Czech Republic)
- Julia Jacoby (Representative of the U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna)
- Menashe Amir (former head of the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Persian language division)
- Sogol Ayrom (Member of the National Council of Iran for Free Elections)
- Simone Dinah Hartmann (STOP THE BOMB)
Chair: Helmar Dumbs (Die Presse) - See more at: at.stopthebomb.net/en/newsdetails/article/iran-after-the-elections.html
- Veronika Kuchynova Smigolova (Ambassador to the IAEA, Czech Republic)
- Julia Jacoby (Representative of the U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna)
- Menashe Amir (former head of the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Persian language division)
- Sogol Ayrom (Member of the National Council of Iran for Free Elections)
- Simone Dinah Hartmann (STOP THE BOMB)
Chair: Helmar Dumbs (Die Presse) - See more at: at.stopthebomb.net/en/newsdetails/article/iran-after-the-elections.html

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