Austria / Press
Sunday, March 30, 2025

Thursday, April 2nd 2015

Has the West finally surrendered to the Ayatollahs?

STOP THE BOMB criticizes the nuclear talks with Iran


The coalition STOP THE BOMB, which has been campaigning against the acceptance of the Iranian nuclear weapons program and Western appeasement since 2007, reaffirms its criticism against the nuclear talks with the Iranian regime after another deadline was missed.


Stephan Grigat, the Research Director of STOP THE BOMB, commented on the talks: “The West has obviously accepted Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and the regime’s refusal to even talk about their missiles program. An agreement on such a basis would have fatal consequences. Another deadline was missed this week, and that again went without consequences for the Iranian regime. Instead it seems the Iranians have succeeded in becoming immune against any criticism: While the talks were under way in Lausanne, the chief of the Iranian Basij militias, Mohammad Reza Naqdi, declared Israel’s annihilation ‘non-negotiable’. The annihilation threats against Israel and the continued Holocaust denial by Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei are simply being ignored by the P5+1, as is Iran’s expansion in the Middle Ea

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