Austria / Press
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wednesday, March 9th 2016

After Iran fired missiles marked "Israel must be wiped out"

STOP THE BOMB demands cancellation of invitation for Rouhani to Austria

Following the Iranian missiles tests which are a clear violation of UNSC resolutions and carried the message "Israel must be wiped out" according to Iran's own regime media, STOP THE BOMB demands that Austria's President Heinz Fischer must immediately cancel the invitation for Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, his Foreign Minister Zarif and the whole regime entourage. Their visit was reported for the end of March.

"Whoever still needs an explanation after the renewed Iranian annihilation threats against Israel is beyond help. It would be a huge scandal for Austria's President Fischer at the end of his tenure if he sticked to welcoming the representatives of this regime", said Stephan Grigat, STOP THE BOMB's Research Director.

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