Austria / Press
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Monday, June 18th 2018

Against Courting the Iranian Regime in Vienna

STOP THE BOMB reiterates criticism of Iranian President Rouhani's visit to Austria

Press release, Vienna, June 18, 2018 

The coalition STOP THE BOMB reiterates criticism of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's visit to Austria, which has meanwhile been confirmed for 4 July 2018. The academic director of STOP THE BOMB, Stephan Grigat: "To meet with Rouhani means to legitimize a regime that openly threatens Israel with annihilation."

It is only three weeks ago that Iran's "supreme leader" Ali Khamenei again named Israel a "cancerous tumor" that "has to be eradicated". Also Rouhani called Israel a "festering" and a "cancerous tumor". The regime under Rouhani pursues a massive expansion in the region and further supports Islamist terror organizations at the borders to Israel, like Hezbollah and Hamas. Besides that, under Rouhani considerably more people were executed in Iran than under his predecessor. 

Grigat: "If Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz' avowal to Israel's security shall be more than mere rhetoric, he has to pile pressure on the Iranian regime, instead of offering its president a platform in Vienna. What is needed is a profound change in the Austrian and European Iran Policy."

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