Austria / Press
Friday, October 18, 2024

Press releases

Monday, August 24th 2020

[Translate to en:] Covid-19 & das iranische Regime

[Translate to en:] Coronakrise & Antisemitismus im Iran >>

Friday, May 22nd 2020

Khamenei’s threats against Israel must have consequences

STOP THE BOMB demands to break off relations with the Iranian regime on the occasion of “Quds Day” >>

Monday, June 18th 2018

Against Courting the Iranian Regime in Vienna

STOP THE BOMB reiterates criticism of Iranian President Rouhani's visit to Austria >>

Wednesday, May 30th 2018

Rouhani in Vienna in July?

Vienna (OTS), May 5, 2018 Das Bündnis STOP THE BOMB übt scharfe Kritik am geplante Österreich-Besuch des iranischen Präsidenten Hassan Rohani, der laut einem Bericht der „Presse“ am 4. Juli, kurz nach Beginn des... >>

Monday, January 22nd 2018

EU Parliament to meet participant of Iranian conference of Holocaust deniers

STOP THE BOMB demands to cancel the invitation of Aladdin Boroujerdi and asks for condemnation by Austrian EU Parliamentarians >>

Tuesday, January 2nd 2018

STOP THE BOMB demands support for protesters in Iran

Coalition criticizes complicity of Austria – demand for sanctions for human rights violations >>

Monday, September 18th 2017

Van der Bellen and Kurz courting Rouhani in New York

STOP THE BOMB criticizes meeting of Austrian President and FM with “friendly face of terror”  >>

Thursday, September 7th 2017

Oberbank fördert die Ajatollahs

STOP THE BOMB kritisiert Deal mit antisemitischem iranischen Regime und warnt vor Nordkorea-Szenario >>

Wednesday, June 14th 2017

STOP THE BOMB in the media

Austrian and international media report about our activities >>

Thursday, June 22nd 2017

Broad alliance to protest against anti-Semitic "Quds"-march in Vienna on June 24th

"Quds"-organizer is official at Austria’s Religious Islamic Community IGGiÖ - Anti-Semitism and glorification of terror at core of "Quds-Day" >>

Tuesday, June 6th 2017

Lecture (in German) 7 June "The Anti-Semitism of the Ayatollahs"

The Iranian Regime after the Elections and the Hatred of Israel  >>

Thursday, May 4th 2017

STOP THE BOMB warns companies of dangers of doing business ahead of Austrian Economic Chamber’s Iran trip

Terror financing, human rights abuses and the Revolutionary Guards’ control of the economy among top risks >>

Wednesday, March 1st 2017

Austrian Vice Chancellor’s "road map": 400.000 euros for cooperation with Iran’s Islamist regime

Austria’s cooperation partners involved in oppression of students and Holocaust denial >>

Friday, October 21st 2016

Deputy Speaker of Austrian Parliament to meet Holocaust denier Larijani in Tehran

Another high-ranking politician of Austria’s conservative ÖVP cozying up to Iran’s Islamist regime >>

Wednesday, June 29th 2016

Anti-Semitic "Quds-Day": Islamists to march in Vienna on Saturday, counter-protests announced

Mayor Häupl, Interior Minister Sobotka mum on annual anti-Semitic hate demonstration >>

Monday, May 30th 2016

Despite arrest wave and Holocaust denial: "Antifascist" Viennese mayor Michael Häupl visits Iran

Trip comes amid Holocaust denial exhibition, floggings, mass arrests and execution spree >>

Wednesday, May 18th 2016

Risky Iran business for OMV: Possible legal and financial consequences

Business deals finance terrorism, the missile program, human rights abuses - OMV violates own code of conduct >>

Friday, May 13th 2016

Iran: Rouhani government sponsors Holocaust denial event

STOP THE BOMB calls upon Austrian President Fischer and FM Kurz to issue a clear condemnation - STOP THE BOMB demands the freezing of academic cooperation - No cozying up to Iran's anti-Semitic regime! >>

Wednesday, May 4th 2016

OMV bets on business with Iran’s terror mullahs and Holocaust deniers

STOP THE BOMB warns against high risks of terror financing, money laundering and complicity in human rights abuses >>

Friday, March 25th 2016

Iran’s regime denies the Holocaust - yet Austria’s Fischer to roll out the red carpet for Rouhani

Rouhani called Israel a "festering tumor" - Regime repeated annihilation threats #RouhaniNotWelcome >>

Thursday, March 24th 2016

Even children on death row in Iran - but Austrian President Fischer to roll out red carpet for Rouhani

March 30th: Rally against Austria’s courtship of the Iranian regime in Vienna #RouhaniNotWelcome >>

Wednesday, March 9th 2016

After Iran fired missiles marked "Israel must be wiped out"

STOP THE BOMB demands cancellation of invitation for Rouhani to Austria >>

Monday, February 1st 2016

Only days after latest Holocaust denial: Austria reaffirms invitation for Iranian regime

STOP THE BOMB demands disinvitation, announces protest against Rouhani’s visit >>

Sunday, January 17th 2016

Iran sanctions lifted: billions for terror, oppression, Mideast wars and the nuclear program

STOP THE BOMB warns against risky Iran business – Companies face legal action for terror financing – Iranian regime intensifies arrest and execution waves >>

Wednesday, December 2nd 2015

3 DEC Lecture „Fleeing Iran, Assad, Hezbollah, ISIS“

6 DEC Documentary & discussion at „this human world“ film festival >>

Wednesday, November 11th 2015

International Book Fair Vienna BUCH WIEN Rewards Iranian Executioner Regime With Own Pavilion

Iranian Embassy offers a daily „consultation service“ with known anti-Semites & Islamists – Persecution of writers & journalists in Iran – Regime recently reconfirmed death fatwa against Salman Rushdie >>

Monday, September 7th 2015

Austrian President Fischer: In the Footsteps of Kurt Waldheim in Iran

Handshake with Holocaust denier - Financing of terror - STOP THE BOMB condemns the business trip of Austrian President, Ministers & companies >>

Monday, August 31st 2015

Wednesday, 2 Sept, 10am - Press Conference with EJC Vice President Muzicant & STOP THE BOMB

Antisemitism, Holocaust Denial, Execution Record & Austria's Support for the Iranian Regime >>

Friday, July 31st 2015

Austrian Crane Manufacturer Palfinger Eyes Iran’s Execution Market

CEO Ortner sees huge demand for cranes in Iran - Palfinger crane was used for executions in 2011 - STOP THE BOMB condemns Iran business >>

Friday, July 10th 2015

Protest Against „Quds-March“ of Iranian Regime Supporters in Vienna

STOP THE BOMB supports counter rally „Together Against Anti-Semitism“ on July 11th >>

Monday, June 29th 2015

Iran nuclear talks: Rally in Vienna on July 1st

STOP THE BOMB, Jewish Community of Vienna & PDKI to protest against a rotten compromise with the Iranian regime >>

Friday, June 26th 2015

Vienna 29 June: Panel discussion on the nuclear deal with Iran

STOP THE BOMB to host a controversial debate on the negotiations with the Iranian regime >>

Monday, May 4th 2015

Is Austria’s Economic Chamber Deliberately Misleading Companies on Iran?

False claims by WKO about „concluded Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” >>

Tuesday, April 14th 2015

The Ayatollahs’ Anti-Semitism

Lecture in Vienna on Iranian Holocaust Denial and Hatred Against Israel  >>

Friday, April 3rd 2015

Success for Iranian Tactics

STOP THE BOMB Denounces Agreement with Teheran  >>

Thursday, April 2nd 2015

Has the West finally surrendered to the Ayatollahs?

STOP THE BOMB criticizes the nuclear talks with Iran >>

Tuesday, November 25th 2014

Negotiations with Iran failed

STOP THE BOMB calls for new sanctions  >>

Sunday, November 23rd 2014

Rally: No Bomb for Holocaust Deniers!

STOP THE BOMB and Jewish Community of Vienna to hold rally at nuke talks >>

Tuesday, November 18th 2014

A Nuclear Iran Must Be Prevented!

STOP THE BOMB warns against a bad nuclear deal >>

Friday, November 14th 2014

Austrian Delegation Visited Sanctioned Sharif University in Tehran

CEO of OeAD and Vice Rector of Leoben University undermine sanctions against Iranian regime >>

Monday, November 3rd 2014

NOV 5th, Vienna: Discussion „Rouhani’s & Khamenei’s Iran“

Farzan, Bahrami and Grigat on human rights, nuclear program and regional expansion >>

Tuesday, October 14th 2014

Negotiating until Iran has the bomb?

STOP THE BOMB warns against a rotten compromise with the Iranian regime and hosts panel discussion >>

Thursday, October 9th 2014

Iran Investment Conference in London is Premature and Harms Prospects for Peace

German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce and British Economist Group undermine Western position in the nuclear negotiations with Iran >>

Monday, October 6th 2014

Again conference of Holocaust deniers in Tehran

"The antisemitic and anti-Israel mindset of the Iranian regime seems unabated" (Austria Press Agency APA) >>

Monday, September 22nd 2014

Fischer Curries Favor with Rouhani

STOP THE BOMB criticizes the Austrian president’s meeting with ‘the friendly face of terror’ >>

Wednesday, July 23rd 2014

Protest Against Anti-Israel March in Vienna on July 26

Broad Alliance to Rally Against Iran-Sponsored Quds-Day >>

Friday, July 11th 2014

No Bad Compromise with the Iranian Regime!

STOP THE BOMB warns against fatal nuclear deal >>

Monday, June 16th 2014

Nuclear Talks, Human Rights and Courting the Iranian Regime

STOP THE BOMB demands cancellation of Austrian President Fischer’s Iran trip and addresses misogyny of regime >>

Monday, June 2nd 2014

Lecture on the Iranian nuclear program with Dr Emily Landau (INSS, Israel)

STOP THE BOMB hosts event at Vienna’s Presseclub Concordia on June 5th >>

Thursday, May 15th 2014

Conchita yesterday, Zarif today

STOP THE BOMB criticizes meeting of Austrian President Fischer with Iranian Foreign Minister >>

Monday, May 12th 2014

Criticism Against Iran Business at OMV Shareholders’ Meeting

STOP THE BOMB announces protest at Austria Center Vienna and criticizes Iran nuke talks in Vienna >>

Monday, April 7th 2014

Public reading against Holocaust denial and human rights violations on occasion of the Vienna nuclear talks

STOP THE BOMB demands cancellation of Iran trips by Austrian FM Kurz and President Fischer >>

Monday, March 17th 2014

Rally against the Iranian regime at Vienna nuke talks on March 18

STOP THE BOMB criticizes the West's soft line and Austrian Parliamentarians >>

Monday, February 17th 2014

Vienna nuclear talks: Rally against Zarif and the Iranian regime

STOP THE BOMB holds rally, criticizes Fischer and Kurz for meeting Iranian FM >>

Friday, February 14th 2014

Iran nuclear talks in Vienna: Criticism and protests

STOP THE BOMB hosts lecture on Feb 17 and holds rally on Feb 18 >>

Thursday, December 12th 2013

STOP THE BOMB demands cancellation of EU trip to Iran

EU Parliament Members to reward Iranian regime for human rights violations and hatred of Israel >>

Wednesday, December 4th 2013

Austria a reliable partner for the anti-Semitic Iranian regime?

STOP THE BOMB criticizes Austrian business delegation to Iran  >>

Sunday, November 24th 2013

Fatal sign of appeasement

STOP THE BOMB criticizes Geneva deal with Iranian regime >>

Wednesday, November 6th 2013

Negotiating until Iran has the bomb?

STOP THE BOMB criticizes talks with Iranian regime in Geneva >>

Monday, November 4th 2013

Austria continues courting the Iranian regime

STOP THE BOMB criticizes Iran visit of Austrian State Secretary Lopatka >>

Friday, October 18th 2013

STOP THE BOMB demands cancellation of Iran trip by Hannes Swoboda MEP

Iran visit of Members of European Parliament weakens Western position >>

Tuesday, September 24th 2013

Criticism against Fischer for meeting Rouhani

STOP THE BOMB refers to Holocaust denial by Iranian regime and takes part in protests in New York >>

Thursday, August 1st 2013

Rally against Islamist “Quds-Day” in Vienna

STOP THE BOMB part of coalition to support protests >>

Monday, July 22nd 2013

Only full ban of Hezbollah is effective!

STOP THE BOMB calls partial ban insufficient >>

Thursday, July 18th 2013

Hezbollah on the EU terror list

STOP THE BOMB demands addition of Islamist militia to EU’s terror list >>

Sunday, March 10th 2013

Iranian Interior Minister in Vienna, Iranian Foreign Minister Threatens Critics

STOP THE BOMB criticizes silence over visit of Mohammad-Najjar and threats by Salehi >>

Sunday, February 24th 2013

Rally against Iranian Foreign Minister Salehi in Vienna

STOP THE BOMB protests in front of the Hofburg on Wednesday against Salehi >>

Tuesday, October 23rd 2012

Iranian money laundering network in Vienna

STOP THE BOMB demands clarification and travel ban on Iranian regime representatives >>

Friday, September 14th 2012

Rally against father of the Iranian bomb in Vienna

STOP THE BOMB criticizes visit of Abbasi Davani and asks to follow the Canadian example of cutting relations with Iran  >>

Friday, August 17th 2012

STOP THE BOMB criticizes silence on anti-Semitic Quds march

Supporters of the Iranian regime will march through downtown Vienna >>

Friday, June 22nd 2012

Today: Vienna Street Party against the Iranian regime

STOP THE BOMB and Iranian Women's Network call for solidarity with Iranian singer Najafi >>

Sunday, June 17th 2012

The Islamic Republic of Iran is straight on its way to the bomb

STOP THE BOMB criticizes Western naiveté in face of Iran's strategic deception and delay tactics before the nuclear talks in Moscow

Tuesday, May 22nd 2012

Pan-European call for P5+1 to not tolerate Iranian delaying tactics on nuclear issue

Policymakers, prominents and STOP THE BOMB demand determined action against Iranian nuclear program >>

Monday, May 14th 2012

Rally on the occasion of the nuclear talks with the Iranian regime in Vienna

STOP THE BOMB urges tough sanctions and support for the opposition  >>

Monday, March 12th 2012

Iranian Interior Minister in Vienna again

STOP THE BOMB criticizes silence over visit of Mohammad-Najjar >>

Tuesday, December 13th 2011

Rally against the Iranian chairmanship at OPEC meeting

STOP THE BOMB protests against the Iranian oil minister  >>

Thursday, December 1st 2011

Withdraw ambassador, sanction Iran's central bank!

STOP THE BOMB calls for dismantling relations with Iran and support for new sanctions >>

Wednesday, October 26th 2011

Cancel the visit to Iran by European parliamentarians!

The chair of European Parliament's delegation for relations with Iran, Traja Cronberg (Green Party, Finland), has announced that a delegation consisting of five members of the European parliament will pay an official visit to... >>

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