Thursday, February 06, 2025

Pan-European Call

On the eve of the upcoming talks between the P5+1 and Iran in Baghdad, we, the undersigned, together with the European STOP THE BOMB coalition urge policymakers in the European Union and the United States to be united and determined in our prevention of an Iranian nuclear bomb.

Western Governments must not tolerate Iranian tactics to obstruct progress and impede decisive international action. It is imperative that the P5+1 enforce the demands of the international community that Iran suspends all of its uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities, as prescribed in UN Security Council Resolution 1696.

Additionally, the European Union must not allow any delay with the implementation of the oil embargo, as well as the ship insurance ban. Western Governments must work to increase the political and economic pressure placed on the Iranian regime and should extend greater support to the Iranian secular and democratic opposition.


Baroness Caroline Cox, cross-bench Member of the House of Lords. Founder and CEO of the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART)

Baroness Ruth Deech, Chair of the Bar Standards Board and former Principal of St Anne's College, Oxford

Colonel Richard Kemp, former commander of British Forces in Afghanistan

Ana Palacio, former Foreign Minister of Spain and a current Member of the State of Council of Spain

Luuk Blom, former Chairman of Defence Committee, Dutch Parliament – Dutch Labor Party, PVDA

Henk de Haan, former Dutch chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee – Christian Democratic Appeal, CDA, Netherlands

Bram Peper, former Dutch Minister of Interior – Dutch Labor Party, PVDA

Florus Wijsenbeek, former Dutch member of European Parliament – Dutch Liberal Party, VVD

Beate Klarsfeld, Association of the sons and daughters of Jews deported from France (FFDJF)

Rudolf Dressler, former German Ambassador to Israel, Social Democratic Party Germany (SPD)

Prof. Gert Weisskirchen, former Foreign Policy Spokesman of the Social Democratic parliamentary group (SPD) of the German Bundestag

Petra Bayr, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Austrian Parlament - Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ)

Efgani Dönmez, Member of the Federal Parlament - The Greens, Austria

Elfriede Jelinek, Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature

Marco Schreuder, Member of the Federal Parlament - The Greens, Austria

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