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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tuesday, June 17th 2014

Saint & State Enemy At Once

Lectures in Graz (16 June) & Vienna (17 June): The Image of Women and Masculinity in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Graz: Monday, June 16th 2014, 07:00PM
University of Graz, Resowi/Room 15.04, Universitätsstraße 15, 8010 Graz

Vienna: Tuesday, June 17th 2014, 06:30PM
Top Kino, Rahlgasse 1, 1060 Vienna

Free entrance - First come, first serve
In cooperation with TOP KINO and this human world

The fact of the brutal oppression of women in the Iranian theocracy is generally acknowledged but still whitewashed in many respects. Due to its classification as "patriarchal" this specific oppression is misjudged and belittled. The lecture will provide a historical overview and comparison to highlight the differences between pre-modern patriarchy, male domination during the Shah’s modernizing dictatorship and the phallocentric regime of the Mullahs. The discussion will focus on the Iranian regime’s understanding of the "meaningful and precious role of a woman" in Islam, the type of masculinity embodied in the regime’s repression apparatus and on the relationship of this constellation towards the Iranian society. Before the lecture there will be a screening of "The Liberation Movement of Iranian Women - Year Zero", a short documentary by French feminists about the mass demonstrations against the introduction of forced veiling in 1979.

Fathiyeh Naghibzadeh is an exiled Iranian activist at the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin. She is the co-director of the movie "Head Scarf As A System - Can Hair Make One Go Crazy?", the co-author of the books (in German) "Iran. Analysis of an Islamic Dictatorship & its European Supporters" and "Iran in the Global System. Alliances of the Regime & Perspectives for the Freedom Movement".

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