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Rallies against Rouhani in Vienna, July 4


Rally against Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Vienna

Wednesday, July 4, 2018, Vienna

10am, Maria-Theresien-Platz (Information desk 9am-2pm)

5pm, Federal Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße/Johann-Strauß-Gasse (Information desk 4pm-7pm)

Press release, July 2, 2018:

No Red Carpet for Rohani! STOP THE BOMB protests in Vienna

#RouhaniNotWelcome: Demonstrations against the reception of Iranian President by Van der Bellen, Kurz and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

Under the motto #RouhaniNotWelcome the Coalition STOP THE BOMB organizes two demonstrations on 4 July against the Iranian President’s visit to Vienna, who was also blisteringly criticized by the Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem. At 10 am there will be a demonstration at Maria-Theresien-Platz against the reception of Rohani by the Austrian Federal President, Alexander Van der Bellen and the Federal Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz. The academic director of STOP THE BOMB, Stephan Grigat: “To meet with Rohani does not strengthen purported ‘moderate forces’ in Iran, but the antisemitic terror regime of the ‘Islamic Republic’ at large.”

The second demonstration by STOP THE BOMB will take place at 5 pm at the street corner Wiedner Hauptstraße/Johan Strauß-Gasse. It is against Rohani being received by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Grigat: “Rohani’s appearance at the Economic Chamber shows that Austria wants to continue the disastrous tradition to act, via business with the Ajatollahs and the Revolutionary Guards, as a stirrup holder for a regime that openly threatens Israel with annihilation, that finances Islamist terror groups like Hezbollah, and that, also under Rohani, organizes conferences and cartoon contests for Holocaust denial.”

The demonstrations are directed against the European appeasement towards the Iranian Regime. The organizers demand solidarity with the democratic and secular opposition both in Iran and in exile, as well as with Israel. Besides STOP THE BOMB, also the Green and Alternative Student Union, the Jewish Austrian Student Union and the Democratic Student Union of Iranian Kurdistan support the demonstrations.

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