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Tuesday, February 18th 2014

No acceptance of the Iranian nuclear program! No threats against Israel! For a free and democratic Iran!

Austria Center Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna


Tuesday, February 18th 2014, 10:00 AM

Access: Metro U1 Kaisermuehlen-VIC

President Rouhani and his Foreign Minister Zarif present to the West the smiling facade of the Iranian terror regime, which has targeted Israel as a "cancerous tumor" to the present day. While the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Tehran's ally Hezbollah are responsible for the slaughter of thousands of people in Syria, the number of executions in Iran has been rising and homosexuals are still threatened by the death penalty, the West provides the regime with the opportunity to present itself as a trusted partner during the nuclear negotiations.

In the nuclear deal from Geneva, the Iranian regime did not have to make any substantial concessions: Uranium enrichment continues, the heavy water reactor in Arak remains intact and there are still no inspections at the decisive military installations. There is a legitimate concern that the current negotiations will lead to the acceptance of Iran's nuclear program rather than to its shutdown. Any agreement that does not provide for the removal of the infrastructure of the Iranian regime’s nuclear program would have catastrophic consequences.

Instead of rewarding the Iranian regime with billions of Euros for its policy of deception, its annihilation threats against Israel and its oppression of the Iranian people, we call for a policy of sharp and consistent sanctions. Instead of courting and legitimizing the regime by visiting Iran or by inviting it to the EU, the pressure on Tehran must be significantly increased, and the democratic and secular opposition in Iran and in exile must be supported by any means. Rather than to engage in bad compromises, the international community must show the ayatollahs clear boundaries with respect to their nuclear and missile programs.

Organized by: STOP THE BOMB

Supported by: Aktion gegen den Antisemitismus in Österreich, Bnai Brith, Café Critique, Christen an der Seite Israels, Club der Freunde Israels, Demokratische Partei Kurdistan-Iran, HOSI Vienna, Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Misrachi Österreich,  Queer Hebrews, Sozialdemokratische Lesben-, Schwulen-, Bisexuellen-, Transgender- und Intersexuellen-Organisation SoHo, WIZO/ECWF, ZFÖ u.a.

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