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Monday, May 14th 2012

Impose crippling sanctions and support the opposition!

Rally on the occasion of the upcoming nuclear talks with the Iranian regime in Vienna

Regime change instead of dialogue with antisemites!

Monday, May 14th 2012, 03:00 PM

in front of the Iranian embassy
Jauresgasse 13. 1030 Vienna

All negotiations with the Iranian rulers in the past 10 years only had one result: the regime in Teheran got more time to proceed its work on the nuclear and missile program and to continue oppressing the people of Iran. In the current situation, the Iranian regime - that was even granted to host the nuclear talks at its embassy in Vienna - apparently will try to avert the planned implementation of the EU oil embargo in July by minimal concessions.
Instead of playing this game, the EU member states need to react by enforcing the oil and gas embargo immediately.

The current sanctions, including those against the Iranian central bank, are insufficient. Serious support for the opposition is still missing. Israel, while being existentially threatened by Iran is being pushed into a position where it has to consider military measures against the nuclear weapons and missile program. At the negotiations table with the regime, the Iranian and Israeli people are in danger of being reduced to a bargaining chip. Eventually, all threats that are being projected – whether against Israel, the region, the West or the Iranian people – can only be overcome if the regime is toppled.

At the moment, it seems as if the Western countries would be willing to allow Iranian uranium enrichment in order to reach a rotten compromise – such a deal would even fall behind previous UN resolutions.

Down with the “Islamic Republic”!
No dialogue with antisemites and murderers of the Iranian opposition!

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