Austria / About us
Thursday, March 27, 2025

About us

The nuclear and missile program of the Islamic Republic of Iran has to be stopped! It is an existential danger to Israel and and a threat to the Middle East, to Europe and to the Iranian people who are being brutally oppressed. The coalition STOP THE BOMB demands effective economic and political sanctions against the Iranian regime and the support of the democratic and secular opposition in Iran and in exile. Our coalition was founded in 2007 in Austria and is active in a number of European countries today. It is supported amongst others by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel (1928-2016), author Leon De Winter, Nobel Literature Prize laureate Imre Kertész (1929-2016) as well as numerous politicians from across the spectrum.

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Donations needed!

In order to continue our activities we are in need of donations!

Our account:
Beneficiary: MEDEA
Payment reference: Stop the Bomb
BANK: Erste Bank
IBAN: AT752011128939040700